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If you own a car, you may have encountered the check engine light at some point.

This is a warning indicator that appears on your dashboard, usually in the shape of an engine or the words “check engine”.

The check engine light is part of your car’s onboard diagnostic system (OBD). THE OBD system monitors various aspects of your car’s performance, such as the engine, the transmission, the emissions, and the fuel system.

When the OBD detects a problem with any of these components, it triggers the check engine light to alert you.

To find out what is causing the check engine light, you need to use a device called an OBD scanner or a code reader. Some of the most common causes of a check engine light are:

  • A bad oxygen sensor: This sensor measures the amount of oxygen in your exhaust and helps adjust the fuel-air mixture for optimal combustion.
  • A loose 'Engine oil cap': This cap seals the fuel tank and prevents Engine Oil/ vapours from escaping.
  • A bad ignition coil: This coil generates a high-voltage spark that ignites the fuel-air mixture in the cylinders.
  • A malfunctioning catalytic converter: This converter reduces harmful emissions by converting them into harmless gases.

To fix a check engine light, you need to identify and repair the underlying issue. Depending on the cause and the complexity of the problem, you may be able to do it yourself or you may need to take your car to a professional mechanic. Some problems are easy to fix, such as tightening or replacing a gas cap.

A check engine light is not something you should ignore or dismiss. It is a sign that something is wrong with your car and that it needs attention. By addressing the problem as soon as possible, you can prevent further damage, save money, and ensure your safety.